Don't lie kids. There's nothing wrong with staving off career burnout and despair by watching Robert Redford make Bob Woodward look good in All the President's Men. You know you've done it and you've probably got the 1976 Watergate flick to blame for your outsized career expectations. The chase! The glory! The downsizing! The infotainment! Erm, sorry-the chase! After the jump, a video gallery of nine of our favorite old movies about journalism, and some new movies about old journalism that aren't half bad either. Pass the ice cream.

Citizen Kane (1941)

The Paper (1994)

All the President's Men(1976)

Broadcast News (1987)

Good Night And Good Luck (2005)

His Girl Friday (1940)

Network (1976)

Foreign Correspondent (1940)

Sweet Smell Of Success (1957)