So on Friday we asked if everyone's favorite stoop liner, The Brooklyn Paper, might be "undergoing some turmoil," according to what editor Gersh Kuntzman allegedly told one of his freelancers, who complained about not being paid for months. We got a dressing-down in the comments from Kuntzman, who accused us of violating the Constitution, his mom, and some other stuff. Of course, that was after the editor sent us his eBay listing promising the highest bidder "a piece of journalistic, medical and political history." Oooh! "How about a little last-minute buzz on my cast?" Kuntzman asked us. You will be sad to learn the bidding for the cast "worn by legendary Brooklyn journalist Gersh Kuntzman after he broke his ankle in January" ended last night, netting the editor $102.50. Brooklyn Paper freelancers: on Monday when you mug him for your share, practice a little compassion, hmm? Aim for the other ankle.
Previously: Itsy 'Brooklyn Paper' Killed By Gigantic News Corp?