To paint married hedge-fund manager Seth Tobias as a gay philanderer and his wife a murderer, the New York Times last month turned to a source named Billy Ash, who the paper identified as "a former assistant to Mr. Tobias." It turns out Ash was an online psychic, a convicted con man and a former pimp. In later interviews with other publications, Ash's claims would grow more outlandish: the wife put a $100,000 voodoo hex on her husband; she mailed Ash a lock of Tobias' pubic hair; she mailed a note reading "the scumbag is dead." New York magazine detailed Ash's past in a takedown this week; now the con man is trying to rehabilitate his image.

Ash sent Jossip a picture of Tobias, allegedly when he was drugged prior to his death, in an effort to corroborate his allegations against Tobias' wife.

He also provided the site video of his deposition in the case. In the excerpt below, Ash chokes up as he attempts to explain his complicated relation with Seth Tobias and his wife, Filomena, who he alleges poisoned Seth Tobias with Ambien mixed into a pasta dish: