Following in the footsteps of handbag maker Fendi and model Terron Wood, designer Marc Jacobs finally knelt down before Bryanboy, the blogger once described as "Paris Hilton reincarnated as a gay, Asian twink." Jacobs is naming an ostrich handbag "the BB" in his honor, sent him a pretty picture and even let threesome-friendly boyfriend Jacob Preston leave him a sweet voice mail. All are after the jump, plus bonus video of Bryanboy's tribute to Jacobs.

The Monday email, via ShopDiary:

-–Original Message-–

From: Marc Jacobs

Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 1:36 AM

To: Bryanboy

Subject: Hey!

Just to let you know…we are going to name the Ostrich bag the BB, in your honor! I am back home in Paris, enjoying an afternoon at home with my dogs. I carry on with LV tomorrow……Kiss, Marc.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

The Fashion Week picture, via Bryanboy:

The December Jason Preston voice mail, via Bryanboy:

Bryanboy's November tribute video: