How did Gabriel Byrne become the TV therapist that, according to the Times' Thursday Styles at least, women lustfully obsess over and describe as an infatuating hunk with "youthful great biceps" and as someone they "could lick?" The slightly frumpy middle-aged actor, who is known as Dr. Paul Weston on the HBO series "In Treatment," spends virtually all his screen time sitting in a leather armchair, mostly mute, listening to his 30-year-old female patient prattle (deceptively!) on about her life and slowly moving his hands around. Maybe there's a drought of men who really listen, but apparently men are obsessed as well. Try and figure it out in the admitted captivating video after the jump, taken from the first episode of the series, in which his young woman patient talks about her love life:

HBO has the entire first episode free on YouTube.