In America, when two adults have consensual sex, and the circumstances are just right, they give birth to a vibrant media subeconomy, and this is the continuing miracle of the story of disgraced Gov. Eliot Spitzer and admired prostitute Ashley Kristen Alexandra Nina Vanetta DiPietro Dupre. There is money, attention and even political opportunity swirling around Dupre, so of course Mayor Michael Bloomberg is on the scene, along with Laura Schlessinger. Here is a roundup of all the new and exciting things about "that whore chick:"

  • New York magazine said Dupre is rich based on this formula: her songs cost $1, they have been downloaded 2 million times and Dupre gets to keep 70 percent of the profit. But it looks to me like the song has around 200,000 listens, not 2 million (see bottom left corner of this page). Also, you can listen to a song without buying it, and that's what the vast majority of people are probably doing.
  • The real money, of course, is in Playboy and Penthouse nudie pic deals and in a book contract, as noted in the same New York mag post.
  • Now that Spitzer is gone, Bloomberg is getting all excited about becoming the first Robot Governor of New York even though he JUST PROMISED US ALL he would stop doing things like this. But he probably doesn't want to be a rich white technocrat running against a blind, black, relatively poor emergency governor, so he secretly prays Andrew Cuomo will destroy new Gov. David Paterson in the primary.
  • The public will soon callously toss aside Dupre, just as it did the high-priced Brazilian hooker who was once on the cover of the Daily News but just got deported and nobody cared.
  • Fake psychologist Laura Schlessinger said spurned hottie Silda Spitzer has "responsibility for mistreating her man."
  • The Eliot Spitzer story leaked, eventually to the Times, when people started asking why the Feds' chief corruption guy was so interested in this whole prostitution case.
  • It has been reported that Spitzer knew he was in trouble starting Friday, but he did not start looking for a public relations firm until Tuesday. At that point, even the flithy flacks (or at least one filthy flack) wouldn't touch him.