The New York Post dug into the alleged threesomes involving former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey, his wife and their male driver and found, not surprisingly, that gay guv was more into the three-ways than his wife. He enjoyed them so much, in fact, that he invited the driver on a romantic getaway where McGreevey planned to propose to his then-girlfriend. (The girlfriend, who later married McGreevey, got really pissed and disinvited the driver.) The driver now has a girlfriend "of several years" and has not disclosed any contact between himself and the governor during the threesomes. But it appears the governor was not left out of the action. The driver told the Post: "He liked watching me, and she would watch me while she was [performing sex acts] with Jim." The whole thing started one fateful night, when McGreevey was mayor of Woodbridge, NJ, and the tale is maybe vaguely hot, at least by New Jersey standards:

[Driver Theodore] Pedersen said the threesome started as an "idea" he and McGreevey tossed around during the aide's long hours behind the wheel for the Woodbridge pol.

"We developed a good relationship - we were colleagues, but we were friends," Pedersen said, adding that, once Dina and Jim's romance bloomed, she was often in the car with them headed to various political events.

"There was a level of comfort that evolved into, eventually, hints of pushing it into this sexual realm," Pedersen said.

"Jim and I thought we could see if she would go for it - beyond just the hints in conversation," Pedersen said.

"So one night we came in, I went down to the basement bathroom, and when I came up, to my shock, she was basically undressed and on the loveseat with Jim. So I sat on the couch and watched and eventually joined in.

"And that's how it got going," he said. "We came up with this nice little formula for making it work."

Other revelations in the Post story:

  • The driver said he is revealing all this now because he was just deposed after the wife subpeoned him in the couple's divorce battle.
  • "The former driver said he believes that Dina subpoenaed him as an end-run around her estranged hubby, to see what he would say if he was called on by McGreevey's side."
  • McGreevey removed a "coy" reference to a third person in his marriage from his 2006 memoir "the Confession," a Regan Books source told the Post.
  • There were threesomes in hotels while McGreevey was traveling on business, right under colleagues' noses.
  • After the McGreeveys married in October 2000, the threesomes became more subdued and shifted to Saturday morning, at home in the couple's condo.
  • Then things tapered off. The driver told the Post: "She sealed the deal, she got what she wanted, the nice life, the governor's mansion, and she would do everything in her power to keep it."
  • As in the Star-Ledger story, the driver is basically saying he thinks the wife is a big liar, pretending she was a victim of her husband's gay philandering when "she was a willing participant."


(Thumbnail photo from Star-Ledger)