Calvin Klein's Romeo

Former Interview editor Ingrid Sischy profiles former fashion designer Calvin Klein for the increasingly dated Vanity Fair, at great length. It's not so much a feature as a biography, without any stunning revelations-except that the designer, whose 1980s billboards put gay iconography in Times Square, is one of the world's last remaining bisexuals. "That was a period of time when sex was everywhere, as were drugs. Not for everyone, of course. I've experienced-and I've said it before-a lot of my fantasies. I've experienced sex with men, with women. I've fallen in love with women. I've married women. And I have a family." Oh, and, in one of the moments he wasn't busy marrying women, Klein may have succumbed to the charms of Romeo, one of the models whom photographer Bruce Weber turned into a pin-up. Photograph: Calvin Klein in a 1979 ad for his label.