New Guv Already Has Sex Scandal

New York's new governor David Paterson apparently decided to just get his sex scandal over with right at the start of his administration, so he told the Daily News all about his two-to-three-year affair with another woman in an interview published tonight, less than 24 hours after Paterson took power. His wife admitted seeing someone too, and both affairs came during a rough patch in the marriage several years ago. David Paterson's affair comes of course after his predecessor Eliot Spitzer was brought down after being caught whoring by the Feds and amid alleged new details of ex-New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey's sexual exploits while married. Paterson's affair is easily the saddest of the bunch thanks to the following detail:
He slept with the other woman regularly at a Days Inn on the Upper West Side, and took his wife to the same hotel when they were trying to rekindle their marriage. Romantic! (It is unclear whether anyone got one of those free Denny's breakfasts the hotel chain used to offer.) The Daily News has apparently been interviewing the Patersons for a few days now, after rumors about his sex life prompted the governor to open up. [Daily News]