If it sometimes seems like every American will be talking constantly and forever about politicians whoring and cheating and having threesomes, until, within our sad lifetimes, the political fabric of the nation turns to ashes and our economy is paralyzed and society burned to the ground, it's because that is probably what is going to happen. In the meantime, let's all read and think about these important sexual issues some more. Here is what everyone is saying about governors having sex with people other than their wives:

  • The Times cast a wide net to gather reaction to all the recent kinky governor action going on with Eliot Spitzer and his whores, David Paterson and his mistresses and Jim McGreevey and his driver and his wife. A male escort said we're cheapening politics and keeping otherwise brillitant johns from running for office. A homeless man said something on a cardboard sign, and the newspaper was amused but criticized his syntax. [NYT]
  • In the same story, the Times pointed out that adultery is actually illegal in New York. So why isn't Paterson gone yet?
  • Paterson is so not worried about that supposedly dirty tape of him talking to one of his mistresses. [Post video]
  • Playgirl, assuming this is really the porn magazine's blog, would like to cut a deal with Spitzer. Somehow I doubt it will involve as many digits as his whore's deal. [Playgirl]
  • DC's Mayflower Hotel is basically the Grand Central of whoring and debauchery, having hosted not only Spitzer and his hooker but also JFK's mistress, Clinton hookup Monica Lewinsky and former mayor Marion Barry and his crack pipe. "We are in the business of selling rooms... And the escort services are in the business of keeping our guests happy." [NYT]
  • Spitzer hooker Ashley Dupre may turn against two of her lesser pimps and rat them out in court. [Post]