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  • For what may be the 273th time, the Ciprianis are once again in legal trouble. This time Giuseppe Cipriani's company is being sued by the security guards who staff the celeb-heavy events they host for not paying overtime. [NY Post]
  • How to do reinject a little life into Sasha Petraske's faded Milk & Honey? Pull a Rao's and start selling off tables to bidders. [Elle]
  • Patricia Yeo's former haunt, Sapa, is going to be rebranded as a Nuevo Latino spot called Nuela. [Strong Buzz]
  • Padma Lakshmi is developing a cooking show with IMG, the agency that reps her and whose owner, Teddy Forstmann, she may or may not still be dating. [LA Times]
  • The abrupt closure of David Rabin's Lotus this Sunday might have something to do with a couple of small problems. You know, like the suspension of its liquor license and $40,000 worth of fines. Oh, and did you know the place is actually legally named Lulu's? Part of the fine was for operating under an alias all these years. [Grub Street]