Hey Dan Savage, Quit Making Trouble!
The Stranger editor and sex guy Dan Savage thinks that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is a big fat liar. While recounting a 1996 visit to Bosnia to a crowd at George Washington University the other day, Clinton recalled, "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ram with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." But Savage insists the following photo is proof of her guile.

Under the banner "Lies and Lying Liars," Savage muses, "I suppose that little girl's face could be booby trapped." See what he did there?
On the one hand, is it possible that a snap shot and a caption do not necessarily constitute a "Greeting ceremony"? On the other hand, we already know that ladies have fuzzy memories and make bad historians. So shut it, Dan-o.[The Stranger]