Harvard Destroyed This Tipster's Life

Imagine you're an aspiring plutocrat, attending a top college that is, shamefully, not Harvard. Horrified at the thought of being second-tier aristocracy for the rest of your life - Brown? Penn? Seriously? - you work as hard as you've ever worked in your pampered life to try to transfer in to the to that most crimson of Ivy League schools. You write eight admissions essays and mummy and daddy even finance a "leave of absence" from school so you don't earn too many credits and lose your transfer eligibility. Then you find out that, horror of horrors, Harvard won't be taking you or any other social climbers for another two years, i.e. the rest of your college career. Ha ha, the whole nation would laugh at you, and that's what's happening now to people like the following sad tipster, who wrote in about her "hard work, blood, sweat and tears," as though she were a field worker or Iraq veteran or something:
Since February 15, 2008 we, Harvard Transfer applicants, have anxiously counted down the days until decision letters are to be mailed (May - June 1, 2008). Our hard work, blood, sweat, and tears may just finally pay off in the form of an acceptance letter. Many have even taken leave of absence from their current high-ranking institution in order to meet mandatory transfer credit credentials.
The countless hours spent writing the required 8 essays, perfecting the application, and going as far as taking various tests to recieve higher Harvard acceptable scores. By the time I submitted my application I was BEYOND mentally exhausted, it is THE HARDEST I've ever worked on any application in my life, but I did not mind the exhaustion because I knew there would be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Or so I thought.... Yesterday all transfer candidates received the below email stating that "Harvard College is unable to enroll any transfer students for the next two academic years, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010," due to on-campus housing. Personally, I was NOT planning to live on-campus so why is this effecting my application? Why am I not allowed even a simple consideration? ALL that hard work, MONTHS of essays, tests, and even lost time with my current institution ALL for nothing. The admissions council is not even looking at the applications sent in, and all this comes not prior to the application deadline but MONTHS after.
This is insane and to think such unjust actions from HARVARD UNIVERSITY our nations founding institution. I for one am outraged, something must be done. Please bring attention to this injustice.
Thank you
** Below is the email sent to transfer candidates on March 20, 2008 ** (the deadline for transfer applicants was Feb. 15 2008)
Dear (Applicants Name),
I am sorry to have to report that Harvard College is unable to enroll any transfer students for the next two academic years, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010. Following the most thorough examination of our residential housing in Harvard's history, the Dean of Harvard College, Professor David Pilbeam, has concluded that our Houses cannot successfully accommodate any new transfer students. Instead, the College has embarked on a planning process for substantial capital investment to renovate and revitalize our residential spaces.
In important respects, undergraduate education at Harvard College is residential in character. Students learn a great deal from the residential experience and contact with one another, complementing the experience of our classrooms and laboratories. We do not admit transfer students to non-residential status.
Within the next few weeks, we will return your application fee. As you make your future plans, you might wish to consider our Visiting Undergraduate Program, which enables students to enroll in Harvard College for academic credit at their home institutions. Visiting Undergraduates are not ordinarily offered College housing, and they are not permitted subsequently to transfer to Harvard as degree candidates. For more information about the Visiting Undergraduate Program, please consult our website.
We very much regret the disappointment and inconvenience that this decision may cause you. We are honored by your interest in Harvard College and we wish you great success in your future academic endeavors.
Marlene Vergara Rotner
On behalf of the Transfer Admissions Committee