• How high do you have to be to name a grade of medical marijuana after lawsuit-happy Scientologist Tom Cruise? [Daily News]
  • Molly Ringwald is totally getting a show! The 80s movie star is to play the mother of a pregnant teen in a pilot to air on ABC Family this fall. Also, she is totally 40. [ET]
  • Cameron Diaz told GQ she is moving to New York from LA because "you get treated the same as everyone else in New York." [Gay Socialites]
  • Awesome Liza Minnelli does not care about your airport's stupid "No Smoking" sign, click for photo of the singer at JFK: [Faded Youth]
  • Anne Hathaway's boyfriend was arrested or turned himself in after bouncing a $250,000 check. That's the amount the actress' man owes a PR firm, according to a judge. [TMZ]
  • Mick Jagger's girlfriend is four inches taller, so he has to wear a special pair of platform sneakers, at least in public. In private the Rolling Stones singer can reach her just fine with his lips alone. [P6]
  • The writers guild wouldn't give George Clooney a writing credit for his work on Leatherheads, so the movie star withdrew from the guild. He said he basically rewrote the whole movie from the crap the other two writers put out. But he held his breath until the writers' strike was over. [Reuters]