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Oh, Internet, you were supposed to be our faithful servant, but you keep throwing up new and dastardly ways to torment. Or to delight, if you're a naughty kid whose parents are too cheap or poor to afford a swimming pool! Resourceful Brits are using the aerial images from Google Maps to identify gardens with pools: A notice goes up on Facebook, everyone brings booze, and you've got yourself a partay!

If this method isn't yet being utilized to crash the countless Hamptons residences with huge pools then it soon will be—just think of all those places that aren't even occupied during the week such as, say, Tommy Hilfiger's East Hampton estate, pictured above.

Not that we would ever condone any kind of lawbreaking, but pools use up a lot of water, electricity and chemicals, so indulging in a little light trespassing would sort of mean saving the planet, no? Do note, though, that we bear no responsibility when the cops show up and Taser you and then cart off your quivering body to the Nassau County jail in Garden City.