You Can Only Have Five Friends, Says Harvey Weinstein

It emerged in court papers that movie mogul Harvey Weinstein once said to NBC CEO Jeff Zucker, "You can only have in your life five true friends and I consider you one of my five friends. And I'm telling you, I will not embarrass you." Weinstein, of course, did go on to embarass Zucker by selling his show to another network, according to NBC's suit. But what's with this "five true friends" thing?
Weinstein's media buddies Graydon Carter, Rupert Murdoch, Anna Wintour, Mort Zuckerman, Michael Bloomberg, Les Moonves and Lorne Michaels would never have fit in the inner circle with Zucker, to say nothing of the other 300 media elite at Weinstein's December wedding. Presumably, those are friends of a sort other than "true." Good luck getting your wedding gifts back, pawns. [WSJ]