Julia Allison won a special Web award, yay! Not for best lip-synch video, accidental nipple flash, perviest readers, shameless self promotion or most narcissistic apartment in a supporting role, though lord knows the Star editor at large would be in the running for any of those categories. No, Radar has named Allison the third most hated person on the internet, and the intrepid Neel Shah managed to track down press-shy Allison for a quote. Her comments are actually kind of awesome, if only for the fact that they begin, "Wow, you hate me! You really, really hate me!"

"Wow, you hate me! You really, really hate me! I have to say, I'm truly humbled by this honor. As everyone knows, achieving something like this is a group effort, so I want thank everyone over at Gawker and Valleywag, especially Emily Gould and Owen Thomas, you sexy bitches! I couldn't have done it without you! I want to thank my agent, who has been with me since I was just mildly annoying. I also want to send a special thank you to all the Gawker media commenters, especially those who incessantly referenced my sluttiness, STDs, propensity to gold-dig, show cleavage, and simultaneously say stupid shit! Of course I want to thank my self-promotional narcissism and my incessant desire for infamy at any costs. Thank you so, so much. Last but not least, I want to thank Nick Denton and God. That may or may not be redundant. THANK YOU! Goodnight!"


(Photo: Megan Asha)