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Tequila is the new vodka, haven't you heard? That's what J.P. Gutfreund—the 22-year-old son of John and Susan—is hoping at least. Notwithstanding the fact that marketers have been pushing just such an idea for a few years now, J.P.'s big business venture is a brand of tequila called Inocente, which Gutfreund and his backers at the Black Beverage Corporation have been busy promoting as the "other white liquor." J.P.'s been everywhere helping get out the message. He threw a party in the Hamptons with Brit singer Estelle, the Post "spotted" him "sipping" Inocente with Whitney Port in the Hamptons a few weekends ago (although J.P. probably wasn't too pleased to see his name misspelled). And the night before last, he hosted a tasting party, where he was photographed with a bevy of Upper East Side ladies (all tequila converts, we're guessing). The only problem with the marketing scheme?

J.P. repeatedly claims to have created the tequila's special recipe. But since it's also billed as triple-distilled—which means it takes about three years to make—that would mean the 22-year-old Don Trump Jr.-lookalike would have been a wee minor while he was designing his alcoholic masterpiece. Which couldn't be possible, of course. Gutfreund Sr.—the man most famous for having ruled over Salomon Bros. in the 1980s, ending Michael Bloomberg's career on Wall Street, getting banned for life from running a brokerage firm, and, most recently, his involvement in a sexual harrassment scandal—would never tolerate underage drinking.