Sure, Akash Maharaj-the 26-year-old Trinidad-and-Tobagonian who lied his way into Yale and was snitched out by his jilted ex-boyfriend-is only the latest in a long line of fraudy fraudsters to bamboozle the Ivy League institution. But the big deal? He's the first one to do it in the Internet Age. Now it's a big, stinking pile of mess, and Yale blames you!

"The blogosphere was in high gear, as readers and commenters began speculating and gossiping. Anonymous posts on since the story broke suggest the level of hysteria the case has whipped up on all sides since it broke Tuesday," reports the Yale Daily News. "One commenter accused Maharaj of stealing friends' Social Security numbers and of having a wife. Another shot back that Maharaj's ex-boyfriend-who still attends Yale-stole his belongings and took advantage of him."

So, despite the shitstorm of coverage this got in pretty much every paper everywhere, not to mention all the play the networks are getting out of it, precious, precious Yale could have kept it all nice and hush-hush if not for you bloggety-blogging bastards. Are you happy now?