Naomi's Day in Court Won't Be Her Last

Just a couple of months ago, Naomi Campbell went crazy on a British Airways flight, reportedly kicking and spitting at the airline crew and cops, after she was called a racist name or lost her luggage, depending on who you believe. She pleaded guilty to assault and was sentenced to 200 hours of community service on Friday, a slap on the wrist considering the six-month sentence she could have earned. Will Naomi use this latest lesson to turn her life around? If history is any guide, odds are she'll be back in police custody somewhere in the world—and delighting tabloid journalists—by the end of the year. Just a few moments of high drama in the life of Ms. Naomi Campbell after the jump.
- 1993: Naomi is fired from Elite Model Management. An official statement from the agency says "no money or prestige could further justify the abuse that has been imposed" and that the agency wouldn't rehire her if she was the "last model on earth." Six months later they take her back.
- 1994: Naomi feuds with Tyra Banks (among others) and allegedly threatens to boycott certain designers if they use Tyra in their shows. She gets the younger diva thrown off a Caribbean photo shoot.
- 1999: Naomi enters rehab for a coke addiction.
- 2000: Naomi pleads guilty to her first assault. She's accused of beating her personal assistant Georgina Galanis with a phone. She also allegedly threatens to throw the assistant out of a moving car.
- 2003: Simone Craig, Naomi's administrative assistant, claims she was held captive and had a telephone thrown at her head by Campbell.
- 2004: Naomi is accused of slapping her maid, Millicent Burton, across the face for packing suitcases incorrectly. Naomi says Millicent started the fight.
- March 2006: Naomi accuses her maid, Ana Scolavino, of stealing a pair of jeans and throws a bedazzled Blackberry at her head. In court, Naomi admits to throwing the cell phone, but says she didn't know it hit the maid, who ended up getting four staples in her head at Lenox Hill.
- July 2006: Another former personal assistant, Amanda Brack, files suit against Naomi, claiming the model physically and verbally assaulted her with a Blackberry back in 2005.
- October 2006: Naomi is accused of attacking her drug counselor, although she later says it was just a big misunderstanding.
- April 2008: Naomi flips out on a British Airways employee after finding out her luggage hadn't made it into her flight. She is temporarily detained and later pleads guilty to charges of assault.
- June 2008: Naomi settles a case with Ivana Lovas, an ex-housekeeper who claimed the supermodel made her life a living hell for four months by criticizing her language skills and physically assaulting her on two occasions.