More Details About Yale Phony's Snitchy Ex-Boyfriend (And Photos!)

Victor Cazares, the Skull and Bones member who ratted out Akash Maharaj for lying his way into Yale after the two split has "been moping around campus all emo and sad and weird since he broke up with Akash and hasn't had a boyfriend since," a tipster writes in-who also sent us much-needed pictures of the dapper rat. Those, and more of the email, after the jump.
"Their relationship was apparently sweet in the beginning but became dramatic later on and both of them are to blame for it. Victor really is in Skull and Bones and apparently this instigated many fights between them. Anyway, I never understood why Akash was so devastated when Victor tried to break up with him because 1) Victor is kind of a pretentious asshole 2) Akash is WAY cuter, as even you guys noted in your second post on their relationship and 3) Victor was the one who pursued Akash heavily in the beginning of the relationship [...]
"He's almost always [REDACTED] in his facebook pictures and he's gained weight in the past year. He's also been moping around campus all emo and sad and weird since he broke up with Akash and hasn't had a boyfriend since. There is also a rumor among the Gaylies (gay Yalies) that Victor [REDACTED] [...] He's supposed to be living in the Morse Tower at Yale but spends most of his time hiding out in the Skull and Bones building."
Here are some more photos: