The new Vogue is like an attack ad against Adobe Photoshop. You can practically hear the ominous attack-ad music in the background as you gaze upon Gwyneth Paltrow's detached head, hovering "a full foot in front of her neck" on the cover. So far, more than 10,000 votes in a poll support the notion that Paltrow "looks like an alien" in the shot. The photo has of course been named an official Photoshop Disaster. Vogue may have pulled off the neat trick of making as much of a mess of its front in May as it did in April. It certainly took some heat off Marie Claire, which up until now had been this month's poster child for ASME airbrushing guidelines with this strange cover involving the TV producer and actress Tina Fey:

[Photoshop Disasters, Go Fug Yourself, Stylefrizz, Jezebel]

(Thanks to sister site Jezebel for the "Photoshop of horrors" tag!)