Shanghaiist is reporting that seems to be unreachable in China, or at least in Shanghai. "Nobody we've asked seems to be able to access right now," the blog reports. The Chinese government is still criticizing comments by CNN's Jack Cafferty that ended with Cafferty saying, in response to a question about China's communist regime, "I think our relationship with China has certainly changed. I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years." Chinese officials argue that Cafferty was talking about the people of China, not just the government. In that case, it's easy to see how they'd feel insulted. Blocking the internet like some kind of goon is not something your average Chinese person engages in. That sort of work is a privilege. You earn it. Video of Cafferty's remarks after the jump. UPDATE: The problem also affects Hong Kong and may be the result of attacks by "nationalistic Chinese hackers" rather than the Great Firewall.
