John Layfield was not genetically engineered to be a talking head on Fox Business Network, but he might as well have been. He's a 6-foot-6 former professional wrestler who does some sort of investment work, the right combination of showmanship and plausible expertise for the attention-hungry network, whose gimmicks have included a segment on semen detectors and a failed ambush interview. Layfield got written up in the Times this morning for yet another sideline, a supposed "sexual endurance drink" called "Mamajuana," a non-alcoholic version of a Dominican rum-and-herb concoction. A doctor from NYU basically said the drink is useless, but Fox Business anchor Neil Cavuto is very interested in trying some:

"I keep hitting him up for a bottle," said Neil Cavuto, the Fox Business Network anchor, laughing. Mr. Cavuto, who is also managing editor for business news at the Fox News Channel, added that Mr. Layfield "has an excellent sense of the marketplace, so my bet is that he's on to something."
