Eliot Spitzer call girl Ashley Dupre can sexually exploit herself just fine, thank you, and doesn't need any help from Girls Gone Wild, the video company she is now suing in federal court in Miami. Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis had offered Dupre $1 million to pose for a nude video, but rescinded the offer when he found footage of a 17-year-old Dupre in his archive of drunken teen nudity. He repackaged the footage as Hooker Gone Wild, and Dupre is accusing Francis of marketing the video in a way that makes it sound hotter than it actually is, i.e. properly fulfilling his duties as Chief Poontang Officer at Girls Gone Wild:

Dupré's lawsuit claims Francis promoted the new videos by saying she was "doing a lot of hot lesbian acts," which she says is false. The suit also accuses Francis of trying to get the public to believe Dupré "is performing sexual acts'' in the videos. Not true again, she says...

"Defendants created the false impression that [Dupré] has endorsed and/or approves of the graphic, sexual content, including lesbian acts, contained in the video, which in reality she does not," the suit says.

Dupre is also not happy that Francis registered ashleydupre.net. She is also arguing that, when she encountered Francis at 17, she was both too young and too drunk to consent to the video. Obviously! Within a few short years she was already making much wiser and healthier decisions about how to live her life.

[Miami Herald, People]