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One evening Village Voice editor Tony Ortega was innocently strolling along in Tribeca when he just happened to "stumble" across film producer Harvey Weinstein's paper recycling bin, "strictly by accident." Of course it was, Tony! Not quite sure how you accidentally stumble across a bin, but you say you'd been drinking so we'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Especially since the trash you discovered—and are sharing with your readers—is such fun, and gave you an opportunity that not even (as you discover) the likes of Nicole Kidman can rely upon: a telephone conversation with gruff old Harv himself.

"I hope that my mother reads this article, Harvey tells his importunate dumpster diver, "and realizes once and for all that I do work hard and I'm not sipping martinis on the golf course." How touching: The man who strikes mortal fear into his fellow man with one hooded-eyed glance? All he really wants is Mommy's approval. But who has his approval? His daily call sheet, detailed by Ortega, provides some clues:

Nicole Kidman, Jim Dolan, Armin Amiri and Michael Moore, poor things, languish on the "calls you owe" list; however, Weinstein "needs to call" Gwyneth Paltrow, Rachel Zoe, Disney head Bob Iger, Sylvester Stallone, Ron Perelman, Michelle Williams, Diane Von Furstenberg ("re: Fashion copyright matter"), Julia Roberts ("re: NY Concert – June 10; via Richard Lovett and Project Runway"), Kate Hudson ("re: DIOR"), Morgan Spurlock, Tommy Hilfiger, and Woody Allen.

Also revealed by the purloined paperwork is that, believe it or not, Weinstein is very involved in Project Runway—perhaps due to the influence of his fashion designer wife Georgina?—but may be taking it in a "less gay" direction. Some good PR, however, is that he pays decent health insurance for his two housekeepers, whose premiums are going up. Yes, Harvey Weinstein is a responsible, compassionate employer. It's like everything you thought you knew about the world has been turned upside down!

Trash Talking With Harvey Weinstein [VV]