Kirsten Dunst Hits Sobriety Speedbump, We Fondly Remember Her Finest Tipsy Faces Of Yore

Despite recent reports that rehabbed Kirsten Dunst has cleaned up her act by nabbing a good guy boyfriend in Ryan Gosling, attending AA meetings and even heading back to work, the NY Daily News hears all that sober fun came to an abrupt and predictable stop at her 26th birthday party in New York last week. As a witness claims, "The actress looked a lot worse for wear as she tumbled out to the street hours after midnight, with girlfriends gripping her arm." While sightings like these don’t exactly prove Dunst has fallen off the wagon, they do inspire us to play another game of Tipsy Face Bingo: a collection of our favorite Drunk Dunst photos of the past! All of Kirsten’s finest slip-sliding, bleary-eyed, greasy-haired moments, after the jump.

[Photo credits: Splash, Getty, The Superficial, Pop On The Hop, Hollywood Rag, Wireimage]