Finally Every 'SATC' Fan's Dreams Come True: The Mr. Big Vibrator Is Here

Sex And The City mania is beginning to crest this week, as plot spoilers, leaked footage and Sarah Jessica Parker magazine profiles assault us at every turn. But one sign that all this hype just may have jumped the shark comes in the form of “a happily orgasmic ever-after:” the official Mr. Big vibrator. Fans of the show fondly, er, may vaguely remember the episode in which prim Charlotte discovers the Rabbit, or the time when Samantha uses her vibrator to soothe a screaming baby, and we could go on but we’re far too embarrassed for remembering even that much. In any case, the folks at LoveHoney have jumped on the SATC bandwagon and introduced the frightening gray contraption which looks a bit too much like our dad’s neck massager. But among the many problems those clever UK ad wizards have on their hands is the abundance of "Mr. Big" vibrators already on the market, most of which may not be, well, bigger, but look far better. Take a closer look after the jump:

Whether you want to admit it or not, most of us have seen the infamous Rabbit, and while LoveHoney has used the same design, this new Mr. Big version looks like a vibrator for boys. Would you really want to use a sex toy that looks like your remote control? Or your alarm clock? More importantly, are there really any women left out there who want to fantasize about Chris Noth while using a vibrator? Have you seen the guy's bachelor couch? Finally, this new trend of attempting to sexify SATC characters is taking all the sex out of the show and the movie entirely. Three words: Sarah Jessica Porkher.
And for any interested parties, below you'll find Mr. Big's friendlier-looking competitors of the same name: