‘Twilight’ May Look Sexy On-Screen, But The Only Action On-Set Involved 'Runny Noses' And 'Hail Globs'

As we noted last week, the highly anticipated Twilight franchise appears to be far steamier and sexier than the books’ tween fans may have expected. And a profile on the film in yesterday’s LAT suggests the series’ author Stephenie Meyer may be just as surprised. Described by the article's author as "chaste," the Mormon mother of three sounds like the near opposite of director and "troubled-teen expert" Catherine Hardwicke. But as the article reveals, no matter how hot and bothered we felt after watching the teaser trailer, the actual action on set wasn't putting any of its gorgeous cast members in the mood:
Slathered in pale vampire makeup with alternating doses of sun, rain and "hail globs the size of golf balls," actors huddle in a heated ‘fire tent’ and stuff Kleenex to their cold, runny noses; they exchange rubber boots for Adidas just before the cameras roll.
It seems as though filming a vampire movie in Columbia Gorge hasn't exactly helped the central Romeo and Juliet-esque characters of Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella (Kristen Stewart) look as irresistible as they look in the teaser trailer: "They carry hot-water bottles (while PAs hold umbrellas over their carefully made-up heads)." But despite the very un-sexy sound of it, all that fog and mud may be precisely the right formula for creating a background for the alluring teenage blood-suckers Hardwicke has "re-imagine[d]...as evil rock stars. Gigandet wears a leather jacket festooned with what he jokingly calls his 'flair' - trophies from victims, ranging from police badges to wedding rings to schoolgirl baubles...Laurent rocks some dreads. Wild-huntress vampire Victoria, is decked out in a massive fur coat that would do Mick Jagger proud."
Knowing we'd still be attracted to Mick Jagger even if he was Kleenex-stuffed and soaked in white powdered makeup, we remain just as teased as we were last week.