Behold the Catsimatidis Mobile?

You may know John Catsimatidis as the generously proportioned owner of the Gristedes and Red Apple supermarket chains, or because he's gearing up to spend a record $100 million to try and succeed Michael Bloomberg as New York City's second billionaire mayor. But his real pride and joy? This silver "Lambo" (or Lamborghini Diablo), which is pictured above in its natural habitat, the Hamptons. Sweet ride, huh? Whether the $2.1 billion man has any chance of winning an election we'll leave up to the political pundits. But we're pretty sure that if elected he'd be the first "Lambo"-owning mayor in New York history.
Update: Catsimatidis' reps have informed us the car actually belongs to his friendly next-door neighbor in Southampton, Stuart Podolsky, the hotel developer who owns the Bentley, Marcel and Moderne properties.