'NYT' Explores Park Slope Hell

"To its detractors, Park Slope is both haunt and hatchery of New York's smuggest limousine-liberal yuppies. It is, if I may further summarize the bad publicity, overrated and hypocritical. Its glorious brownstone blocks and jaunty cafes are awash in carpetbagger entitlement, ruled by snarling 'Stroller Nazis.' The neighborhood is a ground zero of all that is twee and lame. It is, God forbid, the suburbs." Well done. But what do the anonymous blog commenters have to say, New York Times?
"Park Slope isn't even part of Brooklyn anymore,' wrote one commenter on Gothamist. "It's seriously a lower rung of hell, filled with hateful English teachers." And on Eater.com, one posted comment said: "Park Slope and its ilk are why NYC is becoming more and more pathetic by the day."
And the locals?
"Park Slope is a perfect storm of stereotypes that provoke derision," said Steven Johnson, a local writer and a father of three. "Since Park Slope is the neighborhood most explicitly associated with urban parenting, it attracts the wrath of people who think parents have gone way overboard. I imagine there's some horror fantasy fusion: the well-off Park Sloper and co-op member who is obsessed with his kids. Oh, wait, I just described myself."
By the same token, when we talk about "people who hate Park Slope," we are talking in large part about a certain stratum of the chattering, Twittering class. "This whole thing sounds like white people being annoyed by and jealous of other white people, which I find kind of funny," said James Bernard, a union organizer and a member of the local Community Board 6. "I live in the Slope. I love it. I talk about it as much as anyone else does. But I founded a charter school near Brownsville and I don't hear anyone talking about Park Slope over there." [NYT] [photo: Nicole Bengiveno]