In an article giving advice to casting directors on under-used actresses they should hire, FilmExperience praises the awesome magical sexy power of Battlestar Galactica's Blonde Tomboy Space Girl. "Katee Sackhoff is a terrific actress. I won't lie and claim that she's undervalued on her breakout show (Battlestar Galactica)... they've leaned on her heavily and she's crafted an indomitable fan-favorite character who has evolved considerably from her first bold sketches four years back."

"Then, and seemingly without dropping a bead of sweat, Katee gave Bionic Woman the only fire it had as its rogue bionic. A bonfire to be more accurate. It was night and day on that show between her scenes and every one else's. Both of those shows have expired or are about to. She's a bonafide super star, if Hollywood would merely point bright lights her way to reflect. Give her a lead role and watch the magic happen."

Oh and about this week's roundup... I thought I could watch Stripes and then catch the midnight showing of Battlestar, but then I fell asleep. I had a really long week and I really, really had to go to bed! I'm sorry Blonde Tomboy Space Girl! I still love you!

If the episode shows up on or elsewhere, I'll get a report up asap.