See, England? This is what happens when you let your stupid royal family continue to exist into the 21st Century. "Britain's Prince Harry has been accused of taking part in a 100 mph car chase in the British county of Berkshire, police say. In an official police complaint, 33-year-old Tim Williams alleged that royal protection officers forced him to drive at unsafe speeds by tailgating his car as the prince was traveling to an area nightclub, The Mail on Sunday reported.

"'It was very close. I thought they were going to nudge me. It was frightening. The middle lane was busy so I couldn't pull back in,' Williams said.

"Williams said the driver of a Range Rover who forced him to speeds of nearly 100 mph appeared to be attempting to catch up to a speeding Audi which had passed him. Williams alleged that when he caught up with both vehicles in traffic, he saw Harry in the Audi's passenger seat.

"Williams said he knows the prince needs protection, but he criticized the royal convoy for frightening his family. 'It was really dangerous and I'm furious that they think they can drive like this just because of who they are,' he told the Mail." [UPI]