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Thanks for sending in your tips and juicy bits of gossip. Unfortunately, many of the items you've been kind enough to send our way we can't actually publish on the site since the details are impossible to confirm (and/or we'd have about 10 lawyers on us in a heartbeat if we did)! What does that mean for you? Blind items!

  • Which media heir insists that his chauffeurs drive with their hands at 10 and 2 on the wheel, even when the car is not moving? He's been known to yell "Hands at ten and two, please!" to the same drivers he routinely undertips.
  • Which billionaire's daughter is known for talking in a squeeky baby voice when she's at the gym? When her trainer tries to get her to do exercises she doesn't want to do, she reverts to the "creepy" baby talk to get out of it.
  • Which A-list socialite's apartment was recently photographed for an upcoming feature but was so filthy that staffers had to clean up the pad themselves?

Got some good dirt? You can email us or submit it anonymously here.