It was only a matter of time 'til everyone’s collective inside joke about Sex And The City sounding a whole lot like Sex And The Shitty accidentally escaped from one talking head’s mouth. And of all the people to do it, we couldn’t be happier that fuzzy ol’ Dave Letterman was the one to (oops!) say this particular darndest thing out loud. Because how exactly can sweet-as-sugar Kristin Davis get mad at sweet-as-butterscotch Dave? Sure, we could all get irritated at Paul seizing the blooper as an opportunity to get all curse-happy up on the set, but when Dave pulls out the passive aggressive jab at the Most Important Movie Of All Time, even its soberific star has to laugh along. Even when he goes so far as to bypass any discussion of the shitty film whatsoever.

We must say, we are beyond impressed by Dave's tactic to swiftly and smoothly make sure he doesn't have to actually talk about Sex And The City: The Movie with one of its stars, who's just trying to get the word out already. It's as simple as convincing Kristin that she's probably sick of talking about this film, and people are probably sick of hearing about it, and he's sick of having to come up with new jokes about it, so sick in fact that he's resorted to just simply calling it "shitty," and why don't they engage in some environmentally-friendly chatter about her boring solar-powered house? Which is actually more interesting than the (shocking!) fact that (no!) the movie will take place (don't tell me!) four years after the show left off. Yes, even hearing, twice, that Davis' eco house is "off the grid" is still, sadly, much more fascinating.