Donald's $250 Gift to Elderly Jews in the Bronx

If you talk to Donald Trump, he'll happily tell you he's worth $6 billion. No one really believes that figure, of course. Forbes estimated his net worth at $3 billion in 2008. And Tim O'Brien, the New York Times reporter who wrote the 2005 book TrumpNation and devoted an entire chapter to debunking estimates of Trump's riches, pegged the figure at $150 million. (The suggestion that Trump was not, in fact, a billionaire led The Donald to file a libel suit against O'Brien and his publisher for $5 billion.) Presumably even O'Brien would concede Trump is worth more than $150 million these days, what with all those deals to license his name to developments from Denver to Dubai and lines of steak, water, clothing, cologne, and motor oil. (Okay, we made that last one up.) When it comes to the Donald J. Trump Foundation, however, it may not be in his best interest to exaggerate. Because if he really was worth $6 billion, he'd also be one of the cheapest men in the city. Trump handed out just $850,000 last year, the equivalent of someone worth $1 million giving away a total of $141. It's progress, though! The figure is triple what he gave away in 2003.
Below, the details of his contributions from 2006. (As you'll see, it might have been a good idea to splurge on a copy editor. He lists a $100,000 donation to the "New York Rpresbyterian Hospital" and one for $10,000 to the "Lincoln Center for the Preforming Arts.") The smallest donation? That would be the $250 he handed over to the Hebrew Home for the Aged in Riverdale, where, we're pretty sure, Donald is not planning to spend his golden years.