Who's the Role Play Loving Golden Globe Winner?

Today's thinly veiled, lawyer-proofed blind items are brought to you by Page Six and that tragic nutjob at Crazy Days and Nights. Come play!
1. This married Golden Globe winning television actor from a network drama is older. Doesn't stop him from having guys nights out with his guy friends. Sad to say though those poker games he says he's having. Oh, he's having them, but with a group of strippers at a condo he owns. The only money changing hands in the game is what he pays for them to act out his fantasies. [CDandN]
2. This celebrity couple have several children. The problem is that one of the kids is not the biological son of the male in the relationship. Daddy thinks he's the daddy but he isn't. Mom slipped and told the real dad who now wants to see his child. This should get very messy, very soon. [CDandN]
3. WHICH p.r. person for a fashion company gets celebs to wear her company's clothes, but also gets them drugs? [P6]
4. WHICH serial celeb- dating model is a little harsh on the men she sleeps with? She gave a titanic male star a measly "4" for his prowess in the sack... [P6]
5. WHICH heavyduty movie mogul is back to his old tomcatting ways? Despite being married, he put some aggressive moves on a Long Island TV personality at Socialista - but she rebuffed him. [P6]