So the commenters over at The New York Times' editorial about Sen. Hillary Clinton's assassination gaffe are all, "You suck, Hillary!" And after 686 such comments, the Gray Lady has pulled the plug. You can no longer express your opinion of the Senator there, just like you can no longer jump on the goonish hate pile that Emily Gould was treated to at that venerable news site. So congratulations, "Diplomatic," your frenzied "NOT ready on DAY ONE!!" will forever be the final word. Some other choice words after the jump.

For instance:

  • She is a disgrace to America.- Posted by ecain
  • Hillary = LIAR + SORE LOSER - Posted by Fortysomething chick
  • Awww, how awful. I hope Senator Obama doesn't cry.- Posted by Harrison
  • The NYT is a vulture. You should all resign for doing the worst job ever covering an election. - Posted by Kurt
  • The editorial board of the New York Times has lost its mind. If what she said was so horrible why was there no response when she said it on March 6?This is another example - and a perfect example - of how the Obama campaign twists a statement, gets falsely outraged, and then the obedient press piles on. This campaign has been a disgrace - and the New York Times has been a disgrace in covering it. - Posted by Bob Boardman