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Tatiana Platt is a socialite, former AOL executive, and the wife of architect (and man-about-town) Campion Platt. These days, Tatiana is working on a new project, the website called It's amusing stuff: If, say, you attend eight events a week and you're wondering if you're quite as ubiquitous as Daniel Benedict or Tinsley Mortimer, it's a godsend, spitting out a popularity rating based on how long you lingered on the red carpet and how many photos of you were then uploaded to a site like And there are dozens of society-obsessed attention addicts who check their scores daily. Unfortunately, while it's nice that Tatiana took some time to describe the site in detail in this week's Observer, she seems to have a small problem getting the details of her own life straight. After the jump, the tall tales of Tatiana Simone Gau Platt.

• She's 40—not 38, as she tells the Observer. She was born on May 27, 1968 and graduated Georgetown in 1989. (Not such a swift idea lying about your age, especially when you turn you birthday parties into tabloid fodder.)

• Although she says her former job was at Parvus International, a "private C.I.A. for hire kind of company," her Wikipedia entry says she was a CIA employee. Why? Because she put it there! When a Wikipedia user inserted a skeptical remark, suggesting that if she really had been in the CIA, she wouldn't be allowed to disclose it, she deleted it. (She posts under the username Tacitustheyounger, by the way.)

• She regularly mentions she's on the board of her alma mater, Georgetown. Except you won't find her name listed on Georgetown's board.

• In interviews and official bios, she's made mention of her philanthropic work as part of the "Tatiana Simone Foundation." No such charitable organization exists, at least according to New York State, the District of Columbia, or Internal Revenue Service.

• Most amusing: How she manages to avoid mentioning her most public moment in the spotlight. What was she doing before she hooked up with Campion Platt, moved to New York from Washington, and found herself totally overwhelmed by the social scene? She'd been dating Rep. Patrick Kennedy, the son of Teddy Kennedy. It was later suggested that their breakup was responsible for Patrick's addiction to painkillers and his drug-fueled car crash at the Capitol, although we'll grant you that the Kennedy gene probably had more to do with that than anything else.