In Honor Of Ryan Seacrest's 'Momma's Boys,' We Salute Hollywood's Greatest Oedipal Wrecks

In light of the news that Ruler of the Universe Ryan Seacrest will soon be hosting a show on NBC called Momma’s Boys, we’re both delighted that the highlighted wunderkind has decided to ignore all the inevitable backlash, and disappointed that the show will be using mere mortals as contestants. Of all the male celebrities out there, Ryan is undoubtedly one of the most clear-cut examples of how we imagine our worst nightmare of a "Mother May I?" type to be, but he’s certainly not alone. Below, we nominate a few of our own submissions to the casting call printed in Backstage this week for “candidates who should be ready to be humiliated,” in celebrity form of course:

Jeremy Piven: Piven's sole endearing schtick may be his continuous decision to bring along his mother, acting coach Joyce Piven, as his date to all the big awards show. But considering his history of venomous counter-mom attacks, plus the fact that Joyce trained the far more accomplished John and Joan Cusack, Jeremy is in need of overcoming some very complex issues.
Ben Silverman: The Peacock Prince is, of course, overseeing the show itself, but who better to learn from Ryan how to untangle the apron strings? Despite all the self-love and a head so large we tend to confuse it with a pinata, our Ben has to deal with the fact that his TV exec mother Mary may be responsible for his seat atop the NBC throne. As a NY Magazine story once quoted Mary, "I came home from work one day, and Ben said 'You know what, Mom, [NBC] is my channel and I'm going to run it when I get big.'"
Justin Timberlake: So many issues to work on here! For one thing, Lynn Harless infamously harped on JT for dumping Britney back in the day, tsk tsking him for ruining their Mickey Mouse romance based solely around matching denim outfits. Secondly, like Piven, Timberlake is fond of producing Lynn as his awards show date, despite the fact that she insists on showing more cleavage than Dolly Parton. And after that recent Madonna diss on Ellen, in which Justin essentially bashed all women over 40, we'd like to see Seacrest help these two kiss and make up.
[Photo credits: Wireimage]