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  • Frank Bruni of the Times gives three stars today to Matsugen (left) for its "obsessive attention to detail." He especially likes the noodles ("never too floppy or too firm") and the "startling" desserts. [NYT]
  • The Post's Steve Cuozzo checks out Matsugen, too, but the "ordinary" shrimp and overpriced Wagyu ribeye leave him less than enthusiastic. [NYP]
  • Over at New York, Adam Platt tests out two "green" restaurants. His first stop: Hundred Acres, which warrants one star for its "reasonably priced" and "solidly prepared" food. Then it's off to Forge, where well made basics make up for the misguided chicken nuggets and "soggy" dessert. [NYM]
  • Danyelle Freeman at the Daily News gives James chef Bryan Calvert three out of five stars. Meanwhile, the Village Voice's Robert Sietsema thinks James needs a better vegetarian selection. [NYDN, VV]
  • Paul Adams at the Sun heads to Yerba Buena on Avenue A and concludes the "complex" dishes offer a "distinct surprise." [NY Sun]