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Lori Melton is an attorney at the Fragomen Del Rey Bernsen & Loewy law firm, a specialist in "corporate immigration" — that is, obtaining H1-B visas for workers. She's scheduled to share her expertise today on the "Evaluation & Disqualification of U.S. Workers," a $199 seminar led by a liaison to the Dept. of Homeland Security. Think she'll show? On Monday, the U.S. Dept. of Labor announced it has begun auditing all permanent labor certification applications filed by attorneys at Fragomen, the "Corporate Immigration Law Firm of the Year," for improper attorney involvement in the consideration of U.S. worker applicants.

Nice timing. Fragomen keeps its client list close to the vest, but managing partner Austin Fragomen also chairs the American Council on International Personnel, where he leads a Who's-Who-of-High-Tech Board that includes execs from Intel, HP, IBM, Sun and Oracle.