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The Reverse Cowgirl blog points us towards us a tidbit buried in a Daily Texan interview with Fight Club author Chuck Palahniuk, regarding the bold marketing efforts being undertaken by Fox Searchlight to promote their screen adaptation of his novel Choke:

I guess I've been bumped up the publicity ladder...20th Century Fox is gearing up to publicize "Choke," so they have all these Chinese factory anal beads. It was all of these things coming together.

UPDATE: A photo of the actual Choke anal beads swag after the jump!

While such giveaways are always good for sparking conversation, we'd warn producers that the tactic can also sometimes backfire. We're reminding of a recent Lionsgate promotion in which entertainment journalists across the country were gifted with Hostel 2-branded urethral sounding rods—a fringe S&M practice most of them were entirely unfamiliar with, resulting in the majority of the nonplussed recipients either tossing the stainless steel devices, or using them as makeshift letter openers.

UPDATE: A reader tipped us off to this photo of the actual Choke anal beads on a Flickr account. Anus sold separately. [Flickr]

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