DPC Takes on the 'Real Housewives'

David Patrick Columbia is not much of a fan of Bravo's Real Housewives of New York, the show that will be returning for a second season in 2009 with a new cast member, Kelly Killoren Bensimon. First off, Columbia would like to make it abundantly clear that these women are not actually part of the city's society scene: "As far as the Society angle goes, these girls are not Society. An expensive apartment, a limo and a house in the Hamptons does not society make. Those accoutrement won't hurt if that's what you're looking for; but they also won't help. These girls are all spawns of the subPrime world that is now imploding around us," writes DPC on his site today. And he reserves a little extra bitchiness for LuAnn, the cast member who felt the need to mention that her husband is a count about every four minutes: "She may be sophisticated, married as long as she has been, but the patina of a European 'countess' is not there." Yes, you do sort of undermine the whole countess thing when you mention in the same sentence that you're a former "LPN," or licensed practical nurse.