"Goob" does a better job at answering Facebook customers' emails than the real thing

Ryan Shyzer runs a blog called FacebookTalk.com. It's the seventh result for a Google search on "contact Facebook," and Shyzer gets a lot of emails meant for Facebook customer service. Shyzer, who responds to the emails under the pseudonym "Goob," gets to have a lot more fun than real Facebook customer service. For example, in the email screen capture above, a worried father emails "Goob" to ask him:
our son notified us from college that someone posted a slanderous facebook using his name and does not know who did it and would like to get it removed. what does he need to do?
Goob's response:
What does he need to do? Stop being a pussy? The boy's in college now! Tell him to stop whining, go chase some hot tail, and quite moaning to mommy and daddy all the time.
Ever wondered what it's like to work Facebook customer service? Ever wondered what it's like to work in Facebook customer service and have a death wish? Find out with highlights from four more of Goob's email conversations: