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It's been a rough few months for Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld. Many harbor doubts the bank will survive as an independent firm for much longer; clients have been abandoning Lehman in droves; and Fuld has been aggressively trying to raise money, a process that hasn't been easy although he may have found a savior in a Korean bank as of this morning. No matter what the outcome, though, it's clear Fuld's golden reputation has been tarnished. Several of his deputies have been forced out. Last week he announced another round of layoffs that will cut the payroll by 1,500 jobs. So who doesn't dislike Dick at this moment? The beneficiaries of the Kathy and Richard S. Fuld Family Foundation are presumably standing by his side, just as long as he makes good on all the donations he's promised. After the jump, what Fuld did with the $1.8 million he donated to charity for the most recent year publicly available, including the Museum of Modern Art ($379,960) and Middlebury College ($477,500). We're guessing, though, that Lehman doesn't have too many developmentally disabled employees in the mailroom. Fuld's smallest donation? A $100 check to Special Olympics of Connecticut.

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