• Lehman slashed 1,500 jobs yesterday. But job cuts are expected at several other banks around town very soon. [NYT]
  • A handful of hedge funds including D.E. Shaw and Citadel are now pushing Leon Black's Apollo to move ahead with the deal to acquire Huntsman. [WSJ]
  • The number of global IPOs this month has been the lowest since 1992. [Dealbook]
  • Microsoft will buy the online survey company Greenfield for $486 million in cash, topping the offer that had previously been made by Steve Rattner's Quadrangle Group. [Marketwatch]
  • Former Goldman Sachs exec Steve Mandis has left the $12 billion hedge fund Halcyon Asset Management. [NYP]
  • The law firms Heller Ehrman and Mayer Brown are in merger talks [AmLaw]
  • Linens 'n Things, which filed for bankruptcy in May, may file a plan to reorganize as soon as today. [NYP]
  • Dell reported a 17% drop in quarterly profit. [WSJ]
  • The Journal on Eddie Lampert: "As Sears's top shareholder, activist investor Edward Lampert should fire the chairman and architect of this woeful strategy — himself." [WSJ]