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Normally TV producers wait until a show is flagging in its 5th or 6th season to wheel on the newsworthy cameos, but Gossip Girl, perhaps due to its eagerness to maintain an authentic elitey-glamour, is piling them on already. Last night's season two debut featured Jay McInerney playing himself with a different name, and Tinsley Mortimer playing herself period.

Both were painful to watch, although as the Observer points out, McInerney more so because he was required to actually act—and was given lines excruciating both in their implausibility (telling 17-year-old Dan that his story destined for the Paris Review had better improve upon his one in the New Yorker) and in their recappy-ness. Yet: Tinz only had to squeak a couple of inane sentences about a dress, and managed to make Taylor Momsen look like Meryl Streep. So it was close, but we're calling a draw.

McInerney v. Mortimer: Who Was Better on Gossip Girl? [NYO]