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Vanity Fair's perplexing list of the "New Establishment," that collection of people who aren't remotely "new" but certainly represent the establishment, is now online! The usual suspects (and Graydon Carter pals) continue to dominate (Barry Diller, Ron Perelman, Steven Spielberg), but there have been a few changes, too. The love affair with private equity moguls and hedge fund titans has clearly subsided: Both Eddie Lampert and Steve Schwarzman have been booted from the list, Henry Kravis went from 51 to 77, and SAC Capital founder Steve Cohen fell from 45th place to next-to-last on the list. And Harvey Weinstein's inability to generate hits at the box office has resulted in a precipitous fall from 41 to 87, which will undoubtedly make for an uncomfortable moment the next time Graydon bumps into Harvey at the Waverly Inn.

For whatever reason, Vladimir Putin—a new entrant on the list—is now No. 1, although we're pretty sure he held just as much power last year. He bumped down the (seriously ill) CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, and the founders of Google, who apparently aren't quite as sexy nowadays, perhaps because they didn't exercise their power and invade a foreign country like Putin. And the list once again affirms that you don't even have to even be sane to merit inclusion. Viacom'sSumner Redstone, who at age 85 has trouble standing on his feet and is growing more senile by the day, is now No. 32, up from No. 70 last year.

The New Establishment [Vanity Fair]
Bizarre Vanity Fair 100 Adds Anna Wintour, Vladimir Putin [Gawker]