Help Julia Allison Find Her Hard Drive!

Star editor-at-large Julia Allison needs your help. Her pal, heiress Meghan Asha, absentmindedly left Julia's external hard drive on the subway on Friday, perhaps lost forever in the dank bowels of NYC. Upon said hard drive was "every video I've ever taken (as well as every photo before 2006) … and no back up. None. Everything gone … literally hundreds of videos and photos, every family event, every birthday, every lip dub I never posted, every sex tape (kidding) … gone. I was in shock the entire day - I've always been the scrapbook-kind-of-girl, and memories (if you haven't noticed) are incredibly important to me." What can you do?
"So. I continue to hold out hope that some kind soul will find it and return it to me. I'm praying. Videos of me talking to my grandparents, Lilly when she was a baby, my parents on their anniversary, etc … those can't be replaced. I actually cried. I would give anything to get them back [...]
"And tech community? Can we please see some innovative ABS solutions (especially in the clouds) that work better than the ones currently available? I've tried a few (which shall remain nameless) and I've been underwhelmed. My tech guy friends insist that if I want an online backup system, Mozy and S3 are about it. Anyone in love with one I may not know of?" [ItsMeJulia]
Now come on, people. It's been three days. Someone has Julia's hard drive. Give it back!
This Just in! JA and our own Richard Blakeley at something called "The Jetblue-Thrillist Event" in Las Vegas last night. So don't be mean, or she might kill him!